Sunday, August 16, 2009

Haman as mentioned in the Holy Quran

dircet Link: Praise and glory to Allah (he who said) in the Holu Quran what means :

Pharaoh said: O Chiefs! No god do I know for you but myself: therefore, o Haman! Light me a (kiln to bake bricks) out of clay, and build me a lofty palace, that I may mount up to the god of Moses: but as far as I am concerned, I think (Moses) is a liar! )
( al-qasas, verse 38)

The Pharaoh mentioned in this verse is talking to the nobles of his nation telling them that he knows no God for them except himself, so he calls for Haman asking him to build him from the baked clay "which is the bricks" a high building so that he may see Moses' God .

This verse points to many miracles such as:

1- Pharaoh making himself a God: as in saying ( No god do I know for you but myself ) the archeological researche which had been found on the ancient Egyptian civilization assure that the Pharaohs since the fourth dynasty claimed that they are the children of "god Raa "- the god of the sun which was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians , not only this but also the name "Raa" was among the pharaohs' surnames such as "Raa Nip" , which means the golden god, and as "Pristed" the archeological scientist said "the most obvious proof that the Pharaohs were making themselves gods could be a song for the sun which had been saved by the texts of the pyramids repeated in it the identification of the Pharaoh as the god of the sun, this song is talking to Egypt including a wonderful long listing of the benefits that Egypt was enjoying them under the protection and ruling of the god of the sun in order of this he gives the Egyptian pharaoh the same benefits therefore, he must receives the same gifts from Egypt that is why the whole song is repeated again putting the name of pharaoh wherever comes the name of "Raa or Horase "in the original song".

2- The second miracle is using the pharaohs the bricks in building towers:
Pharaoh asked Haman to build him a lofty palace "or a tower" from the baked clay which is the bricks, and this is considered as a historical miracle of the Holy Quran, as it was a common thought to the historiographers that the bricks didn't appear in ancient Egypt except after the age of Romans, and this is according to the opinion of the historiographers makes an arguing about that verse which declares the demand of Pharaoh that Haman should build him a lofty palace from the baked clay or the bricks, and that remained the opinion of the historiographers until " Patry" an archeological scientist discovered an amount of burned bricks which used in building entombments and also used in establishing some of the bases of the buildings return back to the ages of the Pharaohs "Rammsis the second , Mrinbtah and Sity the second" from the nineteenth family (1308-1184 b.c ) and he discovered them in an archeological site not far away from ( Be Rammsis or kantir ) the Capital city of those pharaohs in the east of the Delta

3- The third miracle is pointing to one of pharaoh's assistant by his name "Haman" : Professor Morris Bokay mentioned the following:

The Holy Quran is mentioning a person called Haman who is one of pharaoh's attendants , and that last one demanded from him to build a high tower or a lofty palace allowing pharaoh as he said sarcastically from Moses to mount it and reach the God of his belief .

And I wanted to know if that name isn't connected to a hieroglyphic name, It could be saved as a document of the documents of that age, so then "Nakhara" would be occurred which means

"writing the letters of a language in the letters of another language" from a language to another , and I won't satisfied with an answer except if it is coming from an expert in the hieroglyphic language and also knows the Arabic language in a good way , so I asked a French egyptologue scientist the two previous mentioned conditions were perfectly available in him , I wrote in front of him the Arabic name of the eminent man "Haman" but I didn't mention to him anything about the reality of the concerned text and just told him that this text is related to the seventh century a.c in a doubtless way, his first answer was that origin is impossible because it is not possible to find a text including a name of an eminent man in the hieroglyphic language and also having a hieroglyphic rhyme related to the seventh century a.c and it won't be well known till now ,that is because the hieroglyphic language had forgotten a long time before, on the other hand he advised me to check the dictionary of personal names of the new empire and to search for this name which symbolizes to me the hieroglyphic language if it is really found , he was just assuming this, and while searching I found it written in this dictionary exactly as I expected and Oh...What a surprise!! not only I found his name but also I found his job as it was written in German language "the chief of quarrying workers" but without any sign to the date of the text except that it is related to the empire which Moses' age was during it , and the job which was written points out that the mentioned parson was interested in the construction field, what makes us think of the comparison we can make between the order that pharaoh ordered in the Holy Quran and between what was specified in what was written.

God says: ( Pharaoh said: O Chiefs! No god do I know for you but myself: therefore, o Haman! Light me a (kiln to bake bricks) out of clay, and build me a lofty palace, that I may mount up to the god of Moses: but as far as I am concerned, I think (Moses) is a liar! )

Reference : "The Holy Quran and the contemporary science"
by Professor Morris Bokay

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Direct link of this artical
In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Blind faith is forbidden in Islam
(Quran: 17:36) “And follow not that of which you have not the knowledge …”

Almighty God tells us to listen and chose the best
(Quran: 39:18) “Those who listen to the word, then follow the best of it; those are they whom Allah has guided,
and those it is who are the men of understanding.”

Please read these pages and come up with your own conclusion

The Holy Quran and Layers of the Atmosphere:

(Quran: 067-003) He created the seven heavens (skies) in layers. You do not see any imperfection
in the creation by the Gracious. Turn your eyes again. Do you see any flaw?

There are two meanings of saba'a (seven in arabic)
1) It is used for the number "seven". (Mufridaat-ul-Quran).
2) It is also used in the meaning of "several" or "many" (lughat-ul-Quran).

Undisputed Facts:
Modern science tells us, the atmosphere consist of several layers
The Holy Quran refers to different layers (Seven layers) in the atmosphere
(Quran: 067-003)
At the time of Prophet, a subject so complex such as the different layers of our atmosphere
could not have been known. Especially by a man who did not know how to read or write.

The information below was gathered by me, Hassan Zamanzadeh from
Dictionaries, Wikipedia Encyclopedia, and Columbia Encyclopedia describing
the specific layers of the atmosphere.

I consider it an insult to my readers to try to influence them to perceive a subject as I see it.
I also am a strong follower of The Holy Quran, who follows the commands of Almighty God

(Quran: 005-077)
“Say: O People of the Scripture! Stress not in your religion other than the truth,
and follow not the vain desires of folk who erred of old and led many astray,
and erred from a plain road.”

Therefore, Exaggeration about religion is disobeying the clear command of Almighty God and it is considered a sin.

Having said that, I will display my research and simply let these materials and information and
the verse 3 of chapter 67 from the Holy Quran speaks for themselves.

1. Troposphere

Dictionary Definition - Source: American Heritage Dictionary
(trō'pə-sfîr', trŏp'ə-)
The lowest region of the atmosphere between the earth's surface and the tropopause,
characterized by decreasing temperature with increasing altitude.
tro'po·spher'ic (-sfîr'ĭk, -sfěr'-) adj.

Encyclopedia Defination - Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The troposphere is the lowest portion of Earth's atmosphere.
It is the densest layer of the atmosphere and contains approximately 75% of the mass of the atmosphere
and almost all the water vapor and aerosol. The troposphere extends from the Earth's surface up to the tropopause
where the stratosphere begins. The depth of the troposphere is greatest along the equator (about 20 km) and smallest
at the poles (about 7 km). The lower part, where friction on the Earth's surface influences with air flow,
is the planetary boundary layer or peplosphere which is 2 km deep on average, depending on the landform,
and which is separated from the rest of the troposphere by the capping inversion layer.

The word troposphere stems from the Greek "tropos" for "turning" or "mixing."
The troposphere is the most turbulent part of the atmosphere and is the part of the atmosphere in which most weather
phenomena are seen. Generally, jet aircraft fly just above the troposphere to avoid turbulence.

2. Stratosphere

Dictionary Definition - Source: Unabridged
1. the region of the upper atmosphere extending upward from the tropopause to about 30 miles (50 km) above the earth,
characterized by little vertical change in temperature.
2. (formerly) all of the earth's atmosphere lying outside the troposphere.
3. any great height or degree, as the highest point of a graded scale.

Encyclopedia Definition - Source: Columbia Encyclopedia

Stratosphere, second lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere.
The level from which it extends outward varies with latitude; it begins c.51/2 mi (9 km) above the poles,
c.6 or 7 mi (c.10 or 11 km) in the middle latitudes, and c.10 mi (16 km) at the equator,
and extends outward c.20 mi (32 km). It is a zone of dry, thin air, cold and clear, with a horizontal temperature gradient,
that, in its lower level, is the reverse of that near the earth's surface. In polar regions the temperature is -40°F;
to -50°F; (-40°C; to -46°C;), but near the equator it ranges from -80°F; to below -100°F; (-62°C; to below -74°C;);
in the middle latitudes it remains steady at about -67°F; (-55°C;). The stratified variations in temperature were deduced from
the behavior of sound waves transmitted through the atmosphere, which travel faster in warm air than in cold air.
Weather balloons carrying electronic equipment are launched to ascertain conditions in the stratosphere;
information on this atmospheric layer is also acquired from earth-orbiting satellites.

Within the stratosphere at altitudes of 12 to 30 mi (19-48 km) is the ozone layer.
Its capacity to intercept most of the sun's ultraviolet rays is fundamental to the maintenance of life on the earth.
Without this filtering effect, the sun's full radiation would destroy animal tissue, but sufficient ultraviolet radiation reaches
the earth to support the activation of vitamin D in humans. Elevated temperatures found in the ozone layer result from
its absorption of radiant energy.

Measurements of Antarctica's ozone layer have registered a consistent seasonal "hole," or thinning,
in the layer above the South Pole since 1985, and since then similar thinnings have been found over other areas of the world.
There is evidence that the ozone is being broken down by chlorine atoms that are released when sunlight breaks
up substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Montreal Protocol and its amendments now ban these substances
and have set time limits on the production of others that may also affect the ozone layer.

3. Ozone layer

Dictionary Definition - Source: The American Heritage Science Dictionary
A region of the upper atmosphere containing relatively high levels of ozone, located mostly within the stratosphere,
with the greatest concentrations occurring from about 15 to 30 km (10 to 19 mi) above the Earth's surface.
The ozone absorbs large amounts of solar ultraviolet radiation, preventing it from reaching the Earth's surface.
The concentration of ozone in the ozone layer is usually under 10 parts per million.
Also called Ozonosphere. o·zo·no·sphere// Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation

Encyclopedia Definition – Source: Columbia Encyclopedia

Ozone layer or ozonosphere, region of the stratosphere containing relatively high concentrations of ozone,
located at altitudes of 12-30 mi (19-48 km) above the earth's surface. Ozone in the ozone layer is formed by
the action of solar ultraviolet light on oxygen. The ozone layer prevents most ultraviolet (UV)
and other high-energy radiation from penetrating to the earth's surface but does allow through sufficient ultraviolet rays
to support the activation of vitamin D in humans. The full radiation, if unhindered by this filtering effect,
would destroy animal tissue. Higher levels of radiation resulting from the depletion of the ozone layer have been linked
with increases in skin cancers and cataracts and have been implicated in the decline of certain amphibian species.

In 1974 scientists warned that certain industrial chemicals, e.g., chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and to a lesser extent,
halons and carbon tetrachloride, could migrate to the stratosphere. There, sunlight could free the chlorine or
bromine atoms to form chlorine monoxide or other chemicals, which would deplete upper-atmospheric ozone.
A seasonal decrease, or "hole," discovered in 1985 in the ozone layer above Antarctica was
the first confirmation of a thinning of the layer. The hole occurs over Antarctica because the extreme cold helps
the very high clouds characteristic of that area form tiny ice particles of water and nitric acid, which facilitate
the chemical reactions involved. In addition, the polar winds, which follow a swirling pattern, create a confined vortex,
trapping the chemicals. When the Antarctic spring sun rises in August or September and hits the trapped chemicals,
a chain reaction begins in which chlorine, bromine (from the halons), and ice crystals react with the ozone
and destroy it very quickly. The effect usually lasts through November. There is a corresponding hole over
the Arctic that similarly appears in the spring, although in some years warmer winters there do not result in a major
depletion of the ozone layer. A global thinning of the ozone layer results as ozone-rich air from
the remaining ozone layer flows into the ozone-poor areas.

Minimum ozone levels in the Antarctic decreased steadily throughout the 1990s, and less dramatic decreases
have been found above other areas of the world. In 2000 (and again in 2003 and 2006) the hole reached a record size,
extending over more than 10.5 million sq mi (27 million sq km), an area greater than that of North America.
In 1987 an international agreement, the Montreal Protocol, was reached on reducing the production
of ozone-depleting compounds. Revisions in 1992 called for an end to the production of the worst
of such compounds by 1996, and CFC emissions dropped dramatically by 1993. Recovery of the ozone layer,
however, is expected to take 50 to 100 years. Damage to the ozone layer can also be caused by sulfuric acid
droplets produced by volcanic eruptions.

4. Mesosphere

Dictionary Definition - Source: American Heritage Dictionary
mes·o·sphere (měz'ə-sfîr', měs'-)
The portion of the atmosphere from about 30 to 80 kilometers (20 to 50 miles) above the earth's surface,
characterized by temperatures that decrease from 10°C to -90°C (50°F to -130°F) with increasing altitude.
mes'o·spher'ic (-sfîr'ĭk, -sfěr'-) adj.

Encyclopedia Defination - Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The mesosphere (from the Greek words mesos = middle and sphaira = ball) is the layer of the Earth's atmosphere
that is directly above the stratosphere and directly below the thermosphere.
The mesosphere is located about 50-80/85km above Earth's surface. Within this layer,
temperature decreases with increasing altitude. The main dynamical features in this region are atmospheric tides,
internal atmospheric gravity waves (usually just called "gravity waves") and planetary waves. Most of these waves and
tides are excited in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, from where they propagate upwards to the mesosphere.
In the mesosphere, gravity-wave amplitudes can become so large that the waves dissipate,
depositing energy and momentum into the mesosphere. The momentum deposited by these dissipating gravity waves
largely drives the global circulation of the mesosphere.

Because it lies between the maximum altitude for most aircraft and the minimum altitude for most spacecraft,
for a long time this region of the atmosphere has only been accessed through the use of sounding rockets.
As a result the region is one of the most poorly understood in the atmosphere. This has led the mesosphere and
the lower thermosphere to be jokingly referred to by scientists as the ignorosphere

Temperatures in the upper mesosphere fall as low as -100°C (-146°F or 173 K) ,
varying according to latitude and season. Millions of meteors burn up daily in the mesosphere as a result of collisions
with the gas particles contained there, leading to a high concentration of iron and other metal atoms.
The collisions almost always create enough heat to burn the falling objects long before they reach the ground.

The stratosphere and mesosphere are referred to as the middle atmosphere.
The mesopause, at an altitude of about 80 km, separates the mesosphere from the thermosphere—
the second-outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere. This is also around the same altitude as the turbopause,
below which different chemical species are well mixed due to turbulent eddies.
Above this level the scale heights of different chemical species will differ. Noctilucent clouds are located in the mesosphere.

5. Thermosphere

Dictionary Definition - Source: The American Heritage Science Dictionary

The region of the Earth's upper atmosphere lying above the mesosphere and extending from a height of
approximately 80 km (50 mi) to between 550 and 700 km (341 and 434 mi) above the Earth's surface.
In the thermosphere temperatures increase steadily with altitude,
reaching as high as 1,727°C (3,140°F) at the highest elevations.
Chemical reactions occur much faster here than on the surface of the Earth.
See also exosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere.

Encyclopedia Definition – Source Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The thermosphere is the layer of the earth's atmosphere directly above the mesosphere and directly below the exosphere.
Within this layer, ultraviolet radiation causes ionization. (see also: ionosphere). It is the fourth atmospheric layer from earth.
The thermosphere, named from the Greek θερμός (thermos) for heat, begins about 80 km above the earth.
At these high altitudes, the residual atmospheric gases sort into strata according to molecular mass (see turbosphere).
Thermospheric temperatures increase with altitude due to absorption of highly energetic solar radiation by the small amount
of residual oxygen still present. Temperatures are highly dependent on solar activity, and can rise to 2,000°C.
Radiation causes the air particles in this layer to become electrically charged (see ionosphere), enabling radio waves
to bounce off and be received beyond the horizon. At the exosphere, beginning at 500 to 1,000km above the earth's surface,
the atmosphere blends into space. The few particles of gas here can reach 2,500°C (4500°F) during the day.
Even though the temperature is so high, one would not feel warm in the thermosphere.
A normal thermometer would read significantly below 0°C. This is due to the distance between the few molecules that are present.

The dynamics of the lower thermosphere (below about 120 km) is dominated by atmospheric tide which is driven, in part,
by the very significant diurnal heating. The atmospheric tide dissipates above this level since molecular concentrations do not
support the coherent motion needed for fluid flow.

The International Space Station has a stable orbit within the upper part of the thermosphere, between 320 and 380 kilometers.
The Northern Lights also occur in the upper thermosphere.

6. Ionosphere

Dictionary Definition - Source: American Heritage Dictionary
i·on·o·sphere (ī-ŏn'ə-sfîr')
A region of the earth's atmosphere where ionization caused by incoming solar radiation affects
the transmission of radio waves. It extends from a height of 70 kilometers (43 miles) to 400 kilometers (250 miles)
above the surface.
i·on'o·spher'ic (-sfîr'ĭk, -sfěr'-) adj.

Encyclopedia Definition – Source: Columbia Encyclopedia

Ionosphere, series of concentric ionized layers forming part of the upper atmosphere of the earth from around
30 to 50 mi (50 to 80 km) to 250 to 370 mi (400 to 600 km) where it merges with the magnetosphere,
the region of the Van Allen radiation belts. The degree of ionization and the heights of the ionized layers fluctuate
on a daily and a seasonal basis and show latitudinal variations as well. Causes for other variations in characteristics
may include changes in the amount of ultraviolet radiation received from the sun and effects of the earth's magnetic field.
Ionization of nitrogen and oxygen molecules from X-rays and ultraviolet radiation from the sun produces a layer
of charged particles which allows radio waves to be reflected around the world. Such activity makes possible long-distance
wireless communication. The layers comprising the ionosphere are the D layer, E layer, and F layer (divided into F-1 and F-2).
The lower layers have the lowest concentration of charged particles and reflect low frequency waves.
The middle layers are called the Kennelly-Heaviside layers (named after Oliver Heaviside in England and A. E. Kennelly
in the United States who independently discovered the existence and effects of the ionosphere);
while the Appleton, or highest layer, has the highest concentration of charged particles due to the low density of gases.

7. Exosphere

Dictionary Definition - Source: The American Heritage Science Dictionary
The outermost region of the Earth's atmosphere, beginning at an altitude of approximately 550 km to 700 km (341 to 434 mi)
and merging with the interplanetary medium at around 10,000 km (6,200 mi).
The exosphere consists chiefly of ionized hydrogen, which creates the geocorona by reflecting far-ultraviolet light from the Sun.
On the remote edges of the exosphere, hydrogen atoms are so sparse that each cubic centimeter might contain only one atom;
furthermore, the pressure and gravity are weak enough that atoms in the exosphere can escape entirely and drift into space.
Artificial satellites generally orbit in this region.

Encyclopedia Definition – Source Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The exosphere is the uppermost layer of the atmosphere. On Earth, its lower boundary at the edge of
the thermosphere is estimated to be 500 km to 1000 km above the Earth's surface,
and its upper boundary at about 10,000 km. It is only from the exosphere that atmospheric gases, atoms,
and molecules can, to any appreciable extent, escape into space. The main gases within the exosphere are the lightest gases,
mainly hydrogen, with some helium, carbon dioxide, and atomic oxygen near the exobase.
The exosphere is the last layer before space. The atmosphere in this layer is sufficiently rarefied for satellites to orbit the Earth,
although they still receive some atmospheric drag. Exobase, also called the critical level, the lowest altitude of the exosphere,
is defined in one of two ways: The height above which there are negligible atomic collisions between the particles and
The height above which the constituent atoms are on purely ballistic trajectories.

So, what do you think?
Is this another miracle of The Holy Quran, or is it just a coincidence that over 14 centuries ago an uneducated man who could not even read or write; speaks about a subject so complex that today’s science is proving it to be an undisputed fact?
الله اکبر

O’ God thank you for the Holy Quran “This wonderful timeless miracle”
Please guide all of us to the straight path.
You (alone) we worship; You (alone) we ask for help.

Hassan Zamanzadeh

Islam means “Submission to the will of God”

Dictionary Definition of Islam:
A religion, founded by Muhammad, whose members worship the One God of Jews and Christians
(God is called Allah in Arabic) and follow the teachings of the Quran.

Islam means “Submission to the will of God”; adherents of Islam are called Muslims.
The fundamental belief of Islam is “There is only one God, and Muhammad is his prophet.”

Muslims are obliged to pray five times a day, to fast in the daytime during the holy month of Ramadan,
to abstain from pork and alcohol, and to make gifts to the poor. All of them are expected to make a pilgrimage to Mecca,
at least once in their lives if they are able.

(Quran – 005:032)
“…if any one kills a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind:
and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind …”
According to this verse, anyone who kills an innocent person is not following the teachings of The Holy Quran - therefore is not walking in the path of Islam.

The article by Dr. Gilani “Do you know what Islam is about?” on this site is highly recommended for anyone who likes to learn about Islam.

Please feel free to contact me if you want more copies.
Of course, you are welcome to make copies from these pages and distribute them.

May Almighty God bless you,
Hassan Zamanzadeh
Los Angeles, California

The Holy Quran on the frontal interlope

Among the amazing evidence to the Divine source of the Holy Quran and the impossibility of its alteration is the scientific statements in the Holy Quran; if just one word removed or added, this will make the scientific statements in Quran be in disagreement in science.
In this short article we will show how the information the Holy Quran gives about the frontal lope (of the brain) is in agreement with the modern discoveries of science.
In other words, the Holy Quran ascribes making decisions about committing sins and making lies to the frontal interlope.
For the sake of brevity, we quote the functions of the frontal lope from a specialized medical site:
The frontal lobe of the brain is a very important part of a complex cognitive processing system, and has many connections to different areas of the brain. It has a special role in planning and organizing different tasks like a "supervisor". Many aspects of everyday life are mainly controlled by the frontal lobe system: Decision-making and planning of new situations
Error detection and correction and developing plans for trouble-shooting
Technically difficult or new situations with demand for new solutions
Resisting temptations and habitual responses
Impulse control and dealing with frustrations

The frontal lope, being the most important part in brain, another specialized site says:
If the brain had a White House it would be here. It is the true center for command and control in your body. The Frontal lobe is responsible for functions such as reasoning, problem solving, judgment, impulse control.
What does the holy Quran say about the frontal interlope?In fact the word frontal interlope in Arabic" Al-Nasya" is mentioned in the holy Quran three times and in the prophet Hadiths
It is always mentioned in relation with taking decision, be it good or bad.
God says in the Holy Quran what means:
" We will drag him by the forelock,- (15) A lying, sinful forelock!" (96:16)
The forelock in the holy verse stands for frontal interlope.
Is there any significance in dragging this sinner by his forelock?
Yes, there is because it is the part in brain that seduced the person concerned in the verse to commit sin, the part which is responsible for taking the decision to commit the sin… the two important adjectives ( lying and sinful ) by which this part in the brain is described emphasize the same fact. It is the center in which lies and sins are decided.
Like humans, animals frontal interlope controls their behavior.
Dr Zandany says: "When Kith Moore, a famous embryologist, presented his joint research with Dr Zandani, a famous Muslim Quran scientific expounder, he not only elaborated on the role of the frontal interlope in humans but he also elaborated on the frontal interlope in animals; he stated that the frontal interlope in animals plays the role played in humans in guiding and controlling the behavior of animals." Dr Zandany added" These words brought to my mind the following verse" " There is not a moving creature, but He hath grasp of its fore-lock. (11:56)
So the Holy Quran scientific statements regarding the role of the interlope in humans and animals are compatible with the scientific facts.
Professor Kith Moore comments on this scientific miracle in the Holy Quran saying:
"Our present knowledge about the brain was unknown to any one during the human history; it is not there in any medicine book that dates back to the time of the prophet and even in the following centuries. The frontal interlope had never been mentioned in any civilization, there is no any reference to it in the ancient book except in the Holy Quran, and this proves that this Holy Book must have been revealed from God to Mohammed, the prophet of Islam."

Mathematical Compilation of quran

In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
Peace be upon the Last prophet, Mohammad, and his family including Imam Ali (PBUH) and Zahra (PBUT) and their 11 infallible children and pray for sooner appearance of the Imam Zaman (PBUH):
Lavaha Lelbashar Alaiha Tesaata Ashar … Va Ma Hia Ella Zekri Lelbashar
Verses 29, 30, and 31 of Chapter Modsar
Definition: verse 31 uses ambiguity technique which is of Korani rhetoric techniques where the speaker says a word with some possible meanings and this ambiguity is objective. Some interpreters believe its object is to test the potentials of faith or curiosity of believers on such numbers. Ebn Masud narrates from the Prophet who said whoever wants to be protected from 19 hell fires, reads the “Karimata Besme allah” which has 19 letters, each for protection from one fire. (The Tafsire Anvar Derakhshan and Tafsire Almizan by Hazrate Allama interpret Hia in Va Ma Hia Ella Zekri Lelbashar as a pronoun pointing to number 19). Meaning the number 19 has messages for the human kind.
Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim has a special place in Koran and what follows as unchanging of Koran through mathematical systems includes all Korani chapters. First, the Korani mathematical system in introduced and then the special placement of Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim in chapters Hamd, Toba, and Alnaml is defined where we will prove that the mathematical system proposed by Dr Reshad Khalif about Chapter Toba is induced by devil eclectics. Mathematically systematic Koran may be proposed as a theory, not induced by eclectics but based on mathematics derived from Koran itself. Second, the famous Saghalain tradition is adapted in mathematical system with Korani verses. The twelve Imams Shiite has proves and never speaks reasonless which makes them unafraid under Allah’s protection where infallible Imams (PBUT) never leave us alone god wiling will ask Allah to help solve the mysteries for us. Shiite has suffered so much despite his strong proves and this is evident in the martyrdom of eleven Imams who were to lead us also the 1139 years of disappearance by the twelfth Imam (PBUH) adds to such sufferings.
Why This Study was done?
At start of this study on numerical system of Koran, I came to example of people who had desperately tried to alter Koran, unaware that Allah has promised not to let anybody change Koran.
Some of them stood on devil feet trying to add or reduce Korani verses like claiming 127 verses for chapter Toba which has 129 verses or claiming 131 verses for chapter Ghalam which has 133. They also used the word Nun instead of letter N to get their desired calculations. There are many more examples which you may find by referring to the Mathematical Miracle of Koran by Dr Reshad Khalife and the comparing it by my mathematical presentation of Koran to understand his lies and untrue prophetic claim. I felt the duty to write the mathematical system of Koran in order to prove the vain of his claim and rightfulness of twelve Shiite Imams under Allah protection, aided by Imam Zaman, and also referring to the 9th verse of Chapter Hajar which says:
Enna Nahno Nazalna al-Zakar and Enna Nahno Laho La-Hafezun (it’s true that we sent the sayings (Koran) and we will also protect them)
The meaning of “we” will be defined later.
Part I
Mathematical system in Koran starts with numerical system of Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim which actually begins all Korani chapters and has 19 letters. Koran has 114 chapter and also 114 Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim is used. The “Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim” in chapter Hamd is considered a verse, chapter Toba has no Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim while chapter Namal has two Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim, one at the beginning and the other in 30th verse. Such utilization of Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim in Koran proves that Allah considers a certain goal by placing Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim in Korani verses which we assume it to be preventing change in Koran through Mathematical system.
Note: 114 is a factor of 19, so we could believe Koran to be a factor of 19 in its writing. The unit is the name of Allah which will be 19 in Abjad letters. The characteristics of Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim in Koran:
Three chapters have special use of Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim:
Hamd: Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim is a verse inside the chapter,
Toba: has no Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim
AlNaml: has two Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim
Mathematical prove for presence of 129 verses in chapter Toba:
Chapter Hamd is the first chapter with 7 verses then:
Chapter 1+ 7 verses= 8
Chapter Toba is 9th with 129 verses and no Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim, then:
Chapter 9 + 129 verses= 138
Chapter Naml is 27th with 93 verses, then:
Chapter 93 + 27 verses= 120
Now we do the final calculations, number of verses plus chapters:
Naml=120, then:
8+138+120 = 266
266/19 = 14
Table 1: Placement of Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim in Koran:
Chapter title
Chapter No
Number of verses
Chapter No+ Number of Verses
Total sum
Table 2: 266 could be present in all mathematical system of verses as a factor of 19
3 special chapters
111 usual chapters
6935 is the last number obtained in part I.
Part II
The famous Saghalain tradition is mathematically compliant with Korani verses. I feel the responsibility to prove this issue with the help of Allah and Imam Zaman (PBUH) and referring to verses 19 of chapter Hajar and sayings of two dear Highnesses:
Ena Nahno Nazalna Al-Zakar va Ena Nahno Laho La-Hafezun
Eni Tarek Fikom Saghalain: Ketab Allah Habal Mamdud Ma Bein Al-Sama va Al-Arz va Etrati Ahle Beiti va Lan Iatafaregha Hata Iarda Alal-Houz
“I leave behind two valuable things among you: the book of Allah which is the Habl Mamdud and the connecting robe between earth and heavens, and second my Etrat which is my family and these two will never separate until they meet me in heavens.
There is a proof for this verse which is proved not only by repetitive traditions and sayings but also the numerical system of Koran proves it. As Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said Koran is a book which will never separate His family, in other words no religion will remain without a living support and this is not different for pre-Islam or Islamic religions like the vain religion of Bahia which committed the greatest injustice against our 12 infallible Imams especially Imam Zaman (PBUH). The group that does not regard those who are “Soma Avrasna Al-Ketab Al-Lazina Estafina Men Ebadena” i.e. the 12 infallible Imams, as supports for Koran. Then the written Koran will be a silent one since these Imams are the real speaking Koran. Those papers will only shine when supported by a speaking living Koran; if not, the Koran is what Imam Ali (PBUH) said I am the speaking Koran and that Koran on arrows is only papers.
The above debate is proving of Koran protection by the 12 infallible (PBUT). Hence I utilized my limited capabilities to demonstrate the Korani numerical system to disprove any change in it, and of course I believe my capabilities to be limited so I will warmly receive any recommendations or demonstrations which will surely please Allah and Imam Zaman (PNUH). Basically Allah presents us His book full of proofs and reasons. He regards Koran as the greatest reason in verse 185 of chapter Eraf, thus we follow our Lord in this regard and hope that what follows will be flawless.
The mathematical functions to make the Saghalain tradition with Koran:
Eni Tarek Fikom Saghalain: Ketab Allah Habal Mamdud (1) Ma Bein Al-Sama va Al-Arz (2) va Etrati Ahle Beiti (3) va Lan Iatafaregha Hata Iarda Alal-Houz
“I leave behind two valuable things among you: the book of Allah which is the Habl Mamdud and the connecting robe between earth and heavens, and second my Etrat which is my family and these two will never separate until they meet me in heavens.
Table 3- Mathematical consistency of Saghalain tradition with Koran
Letters of Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim
Number of Korani chapters
Number of Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim in Koran
One earth and seven skies
Numbers for People of Family on right
Numbers of Koran on left
1. Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim has 19 letters, Ketab Allah Habl Mamdud (1); Koran has 114 Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim which is a factor of 19, Ketab Allah Habl Mamdud (1); Koran has 114 verses which is a factor of 19, Ketab Allah Hamd Mamdud
2. There are many Korani verses about 7 skies and earth:
Tasbi Laho Al-Samawat Al-Sabbaa va Al-Arz va Man Fihonna (verse 44 of chapter Asra) has one earth and 7 skies
One earth along with skies from 1 to 7 will give us:
One earth and seven skies are factors of 19.
3. The Great names of Five Members of Family have 19 letters:
Mohammad-Ali-Fatima-Hasan-Hussein= the names of Five Members have 19 letters as Bessme Allah Arrahman Arrahim has 19 letters.
The same mathematical system proves the words of Prophet Mohammad about “Va Lan Iaftaregha Hata Iareda Al Al-Houz” i.e. there will be no separation between Family Members and Koran and if each one is omitted the will be a flaw in the other since omission of any these names will disrupt our factor of 19, and this proves the truth of this tradition.
Part III will discuss the 85 chapters that don’t have discrete letters and their number is a factor of 19.
The final number in Part I was 6935 which in addition to 11234833 from Part II gives 11241768 which is a factor of 19:
11234833+6935=11241768/19=591672 (number obtained in Part II)
My presented system includes all of Koran in five parts at end of each we get a number which is a factor of 19 and finally the number obtained from all of the Koran is also factor of 19. This proves that all sayings of Allah, His Prophet and 12 Infallibles are as one. Verse 59 of chapter Nesa beautifully presents this where it says Allah knows believer as the one who absolutely abides by orders of Allah, His Prophet (PBUH), and the ruler of time who should be alive and infallible. To prove the ruling of 12 infallibles we refer to:
Ya Ayohal Lazina Amanou Oti Allah va Oti Al-Rasul va Olol Am Menkom. The greatest Shiite reasoning to prove that present Koran has been collected in Prophet’s time is that He said:
I leave behind two valuable things among you: the book of Allah which is the Habl Mamdud and the connecting robe between earth and heavens, and second my Etrat which is my family and these two will never separate until they meet me in heavens.
By “Book of Allah” he could mean nothing but Koran because he says “book” and not “words” so Koran has been collected in his time and is valid for all infallibles (PBUT) which makes all of us to abide by its orders.
Additionally there is a not at the end of all Korans which says the writing (i.e. the diacritical signs) is based on sayings of Hafs Ebn Solaiman Ebn Al-Ghamira Al-Asadi narrating Asem Ebn Abi Al-Najud Kufi narrating Abi Abd Al-Rahman Abdollah Ebn Salma narrating Imam Ali (PBUH) which also proves the truthfulness of Shiite sayings. The number of Korani verses is equal to its Kufi writing which based on sayings of Abi Abd Al-Rahman Abdollah Ebn Solma narrating from Ali Ebn Abi Taleb (PBUH) that is 6236.
This article is dedicated to the holy presence of Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Heydar (PBUT).
The above is only a personal view.
Dr Moosavi